Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hopes for a better New Year

Well, December just about broke me... not only was I busy with the holidays, but on December 12th, my husband of nearly 14 years asked me for a divorce.... what to say about that... well, nothing really. I hope that it is a civil divorce, not full of hate and name calling. It was pretty much expected, neither of us have been happy for quite some time, just the thought of it is really a hard pill to swallow.. the kids are not taking it well at all!
In November I was re-contacted by my first husband who is now DRUG FREE!!!! AMEN!!!! however, 18 years of abuse has taken it's tole... anyhow, my oldest son and I are heading to Texas to let Daniel meet is biological father for the first time. Daniel was 4 months old the last time they were together. I am thankful that God has answered years worth of prayers for him to get clean and abandon the drug life... I hope that their re-union is a good thing.. as far as me... I hope I can get through it in one piece. Not sure I ever got over that one... it was a big part of my life...


Suzanne said...

I'm thinking of you and hoping the best for you all! xo

Fuzzy White Dogs said...

Oh Sandy, I hope everything settles down & goes well. (((hugs)))